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Home >International Yoga Day 2022

International Yoga Day 2022

Army Public School, Noida celebrated International Yoga day on 21st June 2022. It was a live session organised by the school in online and offline mode for the staff, students, parents and grandparents. The session was conducted by Yoga guru, Shri Arun Kumar, who demonstrated various sitting and standing asanas along with breathing exercises. All participants performed the various asanas with zeal as the importance of the same was explained to them simultaneously along with the precautionary measures that need to be taken.   We believe that regular practice of yoga will imbibe the value of discipline in the students and help them live a better life- physically, mentally and spiritually. The session concluded with a Vote of Thanks presented by the Vice Principal, Mrs. Rama Srinivasan. She thanked the Yoga instructor, Shri Arun Kumar and the APSN team for their active participation in making this event a grand success.