apsnoida[at]awesindia[dot]edu[dot]in 0120 2430430
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“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
—Abraham Lincoln

At APS Noida, we believe in keeping pace with the dynamic education system to complement and enhance the efficacy of the teaching-learning process. Classrooms are large, spacious, well-lit and have a plenty of natural ventilation. These state-of-the-art, technology-enabled classrooms provide a conducive learning environment to the students.

Teachers use digital resources such as graphics, animations, 3D images, and video clips in addition to the traditional chalk and talk methods of teaching. This results in a complete multi-sensory learning experience for students and helps them to improve their academic performance.

The class rooms turn into lively learning platforms for students. It enhances the teaching learning process by making classrooms more interactive and more interesting. The use of technology not only facilitates students’ learning, but also prepares them for their future roles in the society.