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Home >Mock Interview at Defence Institute of Psychological Research

Mock Interview at Defence Institute of Psychological Research

The visit to the Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR) on 26 September 2024, provided a transformative experience for students, particularly those aspiring to join the Defence Services. Through practice interviews with senior officers skilled in the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview process, students gained invaluable insights into the exact format and expectations of a real Defence interview. This structured process allowed them to understand the core qualities and competencies sought in Defence Service officer candidates, including leadership, decision-making and communication skills.

Following the interviews, students received comprehensive feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement, providing a personalized roadmap to enhance their performance in future interviews. This detailed evaluation not only highlighted their areas of excellence but also guided them in addressing weaknesses, thereby improving their overall readiness. The experience went beyond mere mock interviews, offering students a genuine understanding of the discipline and self-presentation essential for a career in Defence.

Additionally, interactions with senior officers, along with their insights into the real-world challenges of the Defence Services, deeply inspired the students. They returned from the visit with renewed motivation, clarity of purpose and confidence in their abilities. The students collectively expressed that the visit offered them a realistic perspective on the requirements for success in the Defence Services, preparing them not only for interviews but for a future career grounded in service, discipline and leadership. This experience has undeniably laid a solid foundation for their professional journey.