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Home >AWES Day Celebration An Ode to Education for Emancipation

AWES Day Celebration An Ode to Education for Emancipation

The students of class XII conducted a special assembly on the occasion of 40th AWES Day on April 29th 2023. The assembly titled AWES Day - An Ode to Education for Emancipation paid tribute to the indomitable contribution of AWES towards furthering holistic education through the schools of colleges all over the country.  The assembly opened with the chanting of auspicious shlokas and hymns in praise of the deity of knowledge which was followed by thought for the day about education which broadens human perspective. Following this, a presentation was made about the inception, history, functioning and institutions of AWES for the students to appreciate the work done by the managing body to make the Army institutions which are surely the best in the world for school and professional education. This inspiring presentation was followed by a discourse on G20 and India’s presidency. The focus of the talk was to promote social awareness and responsibility in a global world that we live in. The final segment of the assembly was a choreographic display of dances from the G20 nations to commemorate April 29 as International Dance Day. It was an exhilarating performance of melody and grace by the students of classes VI-X. The assembly ended with the singing of the AWES song by all the students suitably led by the choir group which was followed by the national anthem.