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APS NOIDA organised a workshop on gamification of learning process was held by the content head of the STEPapp for students from classes VI to IX in the School Auditorium on 16 Feb 2023.  The resource person was  Mr. Sandeep Singhal teaching Physics.  He started the session with a general discussion on school life and engaged the students with his own reflections on his school days.  As the students opened up, he asked them about their study patterns and helped them reflect on their academic preferences. Mr. Sandeep Singhal shared interesting ways of exploring scientific concepts citing day to day examples from scientific topics like friction, during the session. He also conducted activities wherein, students were given the opportunity to brainstorm solutions to a problem.  The concluded the session after sharing the details of the STEPapp, which students can use to learn in a fun way. The session was informative and interactive.