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Home >Visit to Nehru Planetarium Junior Wing Sep 2023

Visit to Nehru Planetarium Junior Wing Sep 2023

On August 30th , our school organized an educational excursion to the Nehru Planetarium in New Delhi for students from 4th  and 5th  grades. The purpose of this excursion was to provide our young learners with a unique opportunity to explore the vast universe, gain knowledge about planets and stars, and foster a deeper interest in astronomy. The highlight of the visit was the planetarium show displayed in Sky Theatre. The students were taken on an awe-inspiring journey through space. They learned about the formation of stars, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Solar System, and the characteristics of various planets. The visual effects and narration during the show captivated the student’s attention and left them with a deeper understanding of the cosmos. After the planetarium show, the students had the opportunity to explore various interactive exhibits.

The educational excursion to the Nehru Planetarium was a resounding success.

It provided students with a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge of the universe, planets, and stars. The visual and interactive experiences left a lasting impression on their young minds and deepened their interest in astronomy.