The exhilaration and celebratory spirit that Diwali brings is
unmatchable. To add to the festive fervour, the students presented a special
assembly on 03 November 2023. The assembly commenced with the chanting of
auspicious shlokas and hymns in praise of the deity of knowledge which was
followed by thought for the day. The students of the news desk updated the
school about national, international, sports, weather updates, and the
interesting element of APSN news which highlighted the activities of the school
in November 2023. Following this, a talk about appreciating the qualities of
lord Rama. The focus of the talk was to appreciate and adopt some qualities of
Lord Rama in our lives. The final segment of the assembly was a choreographic
display of dance drama based on the epic Ramayana. It was an exhilarating
performance of melody and grace by the students. The assembly ended with an
address by the Offg Principal, Mrs. Indrani Neogi wherein she emphasized the
importance of saying ‘No to Crackers’ and urged children to be sensitive to the
environment by celebrating a clean and cracker-free Diwali. This was followed
by the National Anthem.