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Home >Basant Panchami Feb 2024

Basant Panchami Feb 2024

The Senior Wing observed Basant Panchami on 14th February, 2024, in a ceremonious manner. The event was meticulously coordinated by the BEHES Club in collaboration with the English Department of the school. Students exhibited their diverse talents through a variety of performances.

The festivities commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by the Officiating Principal, followed by a soulful prayer rendered by the school choir. The students then proceeded to deliver insightful thoughts and news updates. A discourse elucidating the significance of Basant Panchami was eloquently presented by Ishchet, a student from class IX. The audience was captivated by the graceful dance performance of our talented student, Mehar Kaur of class IX.

Following this, a ceremony was conducted to distribute prizes for internal competitions, meticulously overseen by Ms. Sumita Sen.

The Officiating Principal, Mrs. Indrani Neogi, extended her congratulations to all participants and imparted words of wisdom. The special assembly concluded with the rendition of the National Anthem, symbolizing unity and patriotism.