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Home >MOSAIC by Parevartan School Raj Nagar Extension

MOSAIC by Parevartan School Raj Nagar Extension

Army Public School NOIDA participated in the event MOSIAC which was organised by Parevartan School, Raj Nagar Extension. The school participated in two competitions:

·         Math Game: Two students, Prachi Sharma (IX C) and Arju Tyagi (X D) participated in the event called ‘Math Game.’ It provided a platform to empower our students as they worked hard to weave their innovation into the world of mathematics.

·         Retro Vibes (Dance): The participants had to present a dance performance on the theme ‘Retro Vibes’ (60s and 70s dance styles). Mahi Yadav, Anahita, Pranvika, Peher and Ahana of class V and Charvi of class IV participated in the competition.