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ECHS Visit Under SPARSH Programme

As part of the ECHS SPARSH Programme, 29 students from Classes IX to XI, accompanied by Ms. Babita Sinha (Counsellor) and Ms. Kritika Dogra (Special Educator), undertook a volunteering initiative at the ECHS Clinic, NOIDA, during December 2024 and January 2025. Organized by Army Public School, NOIDA, the programme aimed to familiarize students with the history, objectives and operations of ECHS, while fostering community service and social responsibility.

Students actively assisted in registration, medicine dispensary, laboratory, dental clinic, physiotherapy and billing sections, working alongside medical professionals. Their engagement provided practical exposure to healthcare services for ex-servicemen and their families, enhancing their understanding of veteran welfare.

Interacting with doctors, staff and patients, particularly ex-servicemen, allowed students to gain valuable insights into the healthcare sector and develop a deep respect for the Armed Forces. These experiences strengthened their empathy, resilience and commitment to service.

The initiative left a lasting impact, reinforcing values of compassion, responsibility and nation-building. Motivated by this experience, students remain dedicated to completing their 25-hour service requirement, reaffirming their commitment to meaningful community engagement.