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Home >4th district Gautam Budha Nagar Yogasana Sports Championsip 2021

4th district Gautam Budha Nagar Yogasana Sports Championsip 2021

7 Students from Primary wing participated in the 4th District Gautam Buddha Nagar Yogasana Sports Championship held online on 25 & 26 Sep 2021.  The students participated in the 8-10 years age group in boys and girls category respectively.  Out of the 7 students 4 students secured 3rd position in their respective category.  The prize winners are :-

 (i)         Mahak Rawat           -V A

(ii)        Shikha Rai                - IV A

(iii)       Gauraansh Pandey             - IV B

(iv)   Vineet Chamoli        - IV A