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Home >G20 Presidency for classes VI to VIII

G20 Presidency for classes VI to VIII

Army Public School, NOIDA organised a Model G-20 Conference on 27th and 28th April 2023 from 0800 hours to 1300 hours each day. This was in keeping with the GOI and AWES objective of spreading knowledge about the G20 nations. A total of 79 students participated in the two day conference which had two tracks, Women-20 and Climate-20. The conference began with an opening ceremony where members of the Executive Board, Mr.Parth Bhatt and Ms.Monalika Jayani were introduced to the participants. The school Principal, Ma’am Jyoti Rana gave a rousing talk on the occasion, encouraging students to actively debate, collaborate and focus on solutions to the challenges posed. The conference saw extensive rounds of discussions and deliberations on the diverse agendas and impassioned speeches and ardent opinions were shared. The executive board members also shared their extensive knowledge with the delegates and the gratitude felt by the delegates was ineffable. At the conclusion of the conference prizes were awarded to the those participants whose research and arguments were exemplary. Devaditya Singh and Nitya Nagpal were adjudged the best delegates of their respective tracks.