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Home >Annual Scholastic India Book Fair 2023

Annual Scholastic India Book Fair 2023

As a part of the schools initiative for enhancing the English Literary skills of the students and inculcating in them good reading habits the school hosted its Annual Book Fair in collaboration with the eminent children’s publisher, Scholastic India Pvt. Ltd., between      15 – 23 May 2023 from 8 am to 2 pm in the school premises. The fair was inaugurated on 15th May 2023 by the Principal, Ms Jyoti Rana and the published student-authors of the school from classes VI-XII. Each section from class I-IX was accompanied by their teacher of English for a browsing session at the fair when the students made their wish list for buying. On 15th May a lec-dem session was organized for the students of class VII with an eminent caricaturist and illustrator, Mr. Ajit Narayan by the publisher. The Book Fair culminated on 20 May 2023 on the PTM day when the students visited the fair with their parents and purchased books of their choice. A total sale of Rs 1.8 lakhs (approx) was made and the school received books worth Rs 33,000/- approximately as incentive of sale from the publisher.