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Home >TAPS Fest MERAKI 24 and 25 Aug 23

TAPS Fest MERAKI 24 and 25 Aug 23

With the hope that the experiences of participants help them create a legacy that impacts the times to come, APS Dhaula Kuan organized an inter school competition. The competitions consisted of various events related to Music, Shaloka Recitation, Nukkad Natak, IT, drama etc. APS Noida bagged the first position in Daedalus Creation Challenge (an IT event) and the participants were Kartik Handa, Shrey Patnaik and Veer Rohilla of class XII. Pearl Bali and Riya Tyagi of class XII got II prize in Dementer’s Hear-less harvest (cooking competition). APS Noida got the second prize in Apollo (Physics Symposium), Nitya Nagpal and Ankita of class XI were the participants.